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  • Site Name:CyberLink
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  • Coupon use:How to use CyberLink coupon
  • Description:The latest development of a series of award-winning digital media creation, playing, to share and enjoy the application, for families and businesses worldwide personal computer users. With the personal computer magazine editor's Choice Award of honor, our flagship product upgrading, the director and the media kit - a symbol of the power of the powerful and easy to use in the enjoyment of HD movies, let the consumer from a video, photo professional method results, and with minimal effort, music project.
  • CyberLink Review

    CyberLink PowerDVD is a program that plays all video formats, including modern HD. It has a simple, clear interface. There is support for 3D format. There are also multitasking features - for example, playing several films. And also I shot a freeze frame there for myself, cutting a film in a photograph. The program has very broad capabilities and it alone will replace absolutely all of these. For me it is the best! Recent versions also support Blu rey formats.The program works on modern computers, on old ones it will slow down. So its only drawback is the requirements for system resources. And so it is a wonderful program, the best! There are only few cons: it does not support custom resolution and may be a bit difficult for beginners or regular users, but you would get used to it quickly, for sure. By the way, sitejabber was the first source, where I came across the video editor and then I found also this article -, which was quite informative for me.
    After AVS4YOU was dumped by me, I started looking for another video editing, DVD production suite. I found cyberlink PowerDirector 13. I am finally able to produce a reliable video that actually plays on a DVD player. The price was right at $55 on Amazon. Cyberlink has a great website with many tutorials, and also have an active forum at It has a bit of a learning curve, but it works.
